Children with special needs often require additional attention and care when it comes to a dental visit. When you are choosing a dentist for your special needs child, you want to be sure you can trust that they will give your child the care and treatment they need to be comfortable during the visit. We want to make sure you have full confidence in your dentist as well. Here are three questions you should ask before scheduling an appointment with a dentist for special needs.
- What experience do you have? As mentioned, children with special needs require extra care and accommodations during their dental visit. As such, the dentist for special needs you choose should have experience with other patients who have needs similar to your child. Here at Smile Cove Pediatric Dental, we have provided dental services for children with a variety of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and more. You can trust that everyone on our team will be compassionate, caring, and accommodating to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for your child.
- Do you have any accommodations for special needs? We can discuss the specific needs of your child and create an individualized treatment plan that will be based on how much they can tolerate. We will also modify treatments as needed to accommodate special needs and ensure we create an environment where they can feel comfortable.
- How can I prepare for a trip to the dentist for special needs? When your child has special needs, any trip to the dentist can be intimidating, but there are ways to prepare your child for the idea of dental care. You might show them pictures or read books about going to the dentist, play as a dentist at home, or bring sunglasses or a stuffed animal to the visit to provide them comfort. We also offer complimentary field trips before the appointment, so your child can inspect the dentist office and the tools we’ll be using to increase familiarity and comfort.